PureWater is a partner of OpenFest2023

Pure Pro is a trading company founded in 2011 with the main activity of import, distribution, sale, rental and service of drinking water filtration devices and air purifiers. Our company was acquired by Culligan, a leading global designer, manufacturer, distributor and service provider of COVID certified filtered water dispensers. https://www.culligan.bg/

As pioneers on the Bulgarian market, our team managed to gain exceptional experience in the field and reach more than 450,000 consumers in 12 years. We continue to grow and expand our product portfolio https://purewater.bg/en

In 2017, our innovative project related to one of the most important problems of our time – the provision of clean air in the home and office www.clearair.bg was launched.

In 2019, our new Ho.Re.Ca concept was born. With Acqualy, we are changing the way water is offered in bars and restaurants in Bulgaria. A modern alternative to bottled water in a single-serve package, Acqualy offers a cost-effective and sustainable solution with premium quality. https://acqualy.bg/bg

4th and 5th of November, 2023
"John Atanasoff" forum, Sofia Tech Park, Sofia, Bulgaria




Банкерipacct logoBulStreamСофия Тех Паркinitlab-logoНов Български Университет5kmФСС про ФМИpurewater

Venue: "John Atanasoff" forum, Sofia Tech Park, Sofia, Bulgaria

By trolleybus

Trolley busses 5 and 8 to the Sofia Tech Park stop.

Trolley bus 4 to the Aviation Square bus stop.

By bus

Bus 73, 84, 184 or 306 to the Sofia Tech Park bus stop.

Bus 305 to the Aviation Square bus stop.

Map of all routes (click to enlarge):

OpenFest map