

Hall AHall BHall C
02 November - Saturday
09:45 - 10:15Кафе

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10:15 - 10:30Откриване

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10:30 - 11:15Разкъсано битие
Георги Пенков
/⁠Софийски Университет⁠/

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11:30 - 12:15Open Source as a Business: Strategy, Struggle & Success
Emanuil Tolev

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Open Source at Uber
Marin Dimitrov

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A brief history of Web APIs: From CGI to GraphQL
Стефан Добрев

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12:30 - 13:15The Army that Never Existed: The Failure of Social Bots Research
Michael Kreil

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 Как да се представим добре на ИТ интервю
Тони Герджиков

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13:15 - 14:30Обедна почивка

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14:30 - 15:15Arguing with Linus Torvalds
Steven Rostedt
/⁠VMware, Inc⁠/

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Securing BGP beyond the AS origin validation
Атанас Янков

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Open Source Meets Marketing
Ruth Cheesley
/⁠Acquia / Mautic Community⁠/

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15:30 - 16:15Мотики 19.11
Николай Тенев
/⁠StorPool Storage⁠/

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The Beginner’s Guide to Quantum Computing
Ivan Angelov

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Business Source Licensing
Асен Тотин
/⁠MariaDB Corporation⁠/

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16:30 - 17:15Software Resiliency in the Cloud
Ivo Vachkov
/⁠Xi Group Ltd.⁠/

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DoS and DDoS mitigations with eBPF, XDP and DPDK
Marian Marinov

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Going Peer-to-Peer with WebRTC
Luca Ongaro

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17:30 - 18:15Evolving big microservice architectures
Николай Стоицев

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GNU/Linux: coming to a phone near you
Merlijn Wajer

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From 0kmph to Blinking LED
John Hawley
/⁠VMware - Open Source Technology Center⁠/

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18:30 - 19:15Best practices in creating build and deployment pipelines
Boyan Mihaylov

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 WiFi-Mesh for monitoring and management of large areas
Цветан Узунов
/⁠Олимекс ООД⁠/

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03 November - Sunday
10:30 - 11:15Infrastructure Review
Владимир Витков

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Free and open source toolchains for FPGAs
Rangel Ivanov

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Building the next telco: Introduction to Network Service Mesh
Ivana Atanasova

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11:30 - 12:15Job security или как да стана неуволняем
Живко Ангелов

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Legal Challenges of TDM in Web-Scraped Content by EU companies
Zhulieta Mandazhieva
/⁠Digital Republic⁠/

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Testing Cloud Native applications with KIND
Rostislav Georgiev

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12:30 - 13:15Методика за добиване на универсални умения за разработка на код
Георги Пенков
/⁠Софийски Университет⁠/

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LibreOffice community & membership in TDF: how to get in
Gabriele Ponzo
/⁠The Document Foundation⁠/

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Databases in Kubernetes 101
Petko Vasilev

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13:15 - 14:30Обедна почивка

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Обедна почивка

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14:30 - 15:15The leak of billions of passwords
Kirils Solovjovs

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Фактори за успеха на ML решенията
Пейо Попов

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EdgeX Foundry - Microservices at the Edge
Nikolay Stanchev

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15:30 - 16:15Burnout – синдром на професионалното изчерпване
Петър Събев

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Scalable and secure infrastructure with LXD, ZFS and LUKS
Стоил Стоилов

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C++ as Assembly 2.0 - Hello Nim
Виктор Кирилов

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16:30 - 17:15Handling big traffic with small machines
Vihren Ganev

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Живот извън мрежата - автоматизация и мониторинг
Marin Tashkov

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За свободата, програмиста и развитието
Николай Цветинов

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17:30 - 18:15Lightning talks

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Споделени тренирани модели - следващата стъпка към достъпен AI
Ясен Кипров
/⁠SiteGround Hosting⁠/

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Платформа за проучвания на градската среда
Йордан Дервишев

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18:15 - 18:30Закриване

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Civic Hacking
Advanced Technical



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Разкъсано битие (Георги Пенков
/⁠Софийски Университет⁠/)

Цифровото общество разкри неподозирани възможности, но постави модерния човек като никога досега пред едни нови, непознати предизвикателства и дори заплахи. Да вади всекидневно стотици пъти избор от безкрайността на възможности, към които да насочи вниманието си. Да направи уверен избор за посока в живота. И доколкото може да запази съзнателно поетия курс. Една нелека задача, предизвикателство, фарс, ужас дори за невнимателните, който ежедневно ни преследва от всички умни устройства, борейки се за внимание. Къде – с наше позволение, къде – по навик. Така изложени и с достъп до вечно разширяващ се хоризонт от знания, да се спрем за момент и обсъдим предизвикателствата, заплахите, последствията и какви са решенията, които са ни известни, за да останем здрави – физически, ментално и емоционално.

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Open Source as a Business: Strategy, Struggle & Success (Emanuil Tolev

How do you build a lasting and successful company that also stays true to its open source roots? This talk takes a look at why open source is important to business and three essential elements of this path. We'll look at Elastic, the company behind Elasticsearch, Kibana, Beats, and Logstash, which makes its money with support, the commercial extensions, and cloud offerings.

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Open Source at Uber (Marin Dimitrov

Uber began its open source journey in 2015 when three passionate engineers decided to contribute Uber’s work back to the community. In only four years, Uber’s open source program has fostered 400+ outstanding open source projects with 1,500+ contributors worldwide delivering over 70,000 commits. In 2018, two of Uber’s open source projects, Jaeger and Horovod, were among the winners of InfoWorld’s Best of Open Source Software Awards. In this talk, Brian Hsieh & Marin Dimitrov will share more details on Uber’s open source journey, program and best practices, and how Uber enables open innovation by fostering a healthy and collaborative open source culture.

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A brief history of Web APIs: From CGI to GraphQL (Стефан Добрев

In this talk, we will follow the evolution of Web APIs from the early '90s through modern days. We will see why some technologies stand the test of time and why others are happily forgotten. Feeling RESTful, wanting more SOAP opera, that's your talk.

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The Army that Never Existed: The Failure of Social Bots Research (Michael Kreil)

After the shockwaves triggered by the Brexit referendum and the election of Donald Trump, media outlets desperately looked for explanations. Previously unknown researchers offered a saving straw: Automated accounts on social media had influenced the public opinion on a massive scale. This theory was widely spread by research institutions, the media, and even government officials, but taking a closer look at the research behind it shows that the whole social bots theory has absolutely no basis. This fact could have been noticed earlier if the scientists had published their data and their code as it should be standard in science. This talk explains what happened, how it happened, and how it could have been prevented.

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Как да се представим добре на ИТ интервю (Тони Герджиков

В следващата лекция ще ви запознаем с някои тънкости в подготовката и реализацията на IT интервю процеса, които ще ви помогнат да се справите по-добре и да си намерите мечтаната работа или позиция.

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Обедна почивка


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Arguing with Linus Torvalds (Steven Rostedt
/⁠VMware, Inc⁠/)

The Linux kernel is the lowest layer of software (above BIOS) and that requires it to be as efficient as possible. Recent hardware issues have arisen (Spectre and Meltdown) that caused the Linux kernel to have to take measures to protect itself, but these measures have also had a significant impact on performance. One solution was the addition of retpolines, but these slow down indirect calls, which is highly used by trace events. Work has been started to create dynamic call sites in the kernel to handle these cases. But to make these modifications, breakpoints must be used, and emulating calls from breakpoints has various issues. This talk will describe retpolines, why dynamic call sites help and explain the issues as well as various solutions (spoiler, they all suck) to emulating calls with breakpoints. The same issue has recently come up with handling function tracing and live kernel patching, and those will also be explained. Come to this talk to get a good idea of why most kernel developers have gray hair.

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Securing BGP beyond the AS origin validation (Атанас Янков)

От самото начало на Internet проблемът със сигурността на BGP рутинг протокола е сериозен и до скоро, въпреки множеството идеи, нямаше налични решения, които да ни предпазят от възможността някой да ни "гепи" мрежите .

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Open Source Meets Marketing (Ruth Cheesley
/⁠Acquia / Mautic Community⁠/)

In a world where a positive digital experience can mean the difference between winning and losing a customer, cross-channel personalisation and a deep understanding of the customer journey is key.

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Мотики 19.11 (Николай Тенев
/⁠StorPool Storage⁠/)

Резюме на най-интересните бъгове и странни проблеми, с които сме се борили в последните месец-два.

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The Beginner’s Guide to Quantum Computing (Ivan Angelov)

Quantum computers promise to be able to solve problems that will remain forever beyond the capabilities of the classical ones. The solutions to such problems would have far-reaching applications in cryptography, machine learning, as well as a variety of natural sciences. Now, with small-scale, noisy quantum computers emerging out of the research labs, some of them even being available in the cloud for anyone to play around with, quantum computing is attracting a lot of attention. However, the properties that enable the promising potential of quantum computing are the very same ones that both make it extremely difficult to construct quantum computers and defy our classical intuitions. In this talk, I will introduce some of the key elements of quantum computing, such as qubits, quantum gates, and entanglement, and will explain how these enable its promising applications. What does all of this have to do with OSS? Come to the talk to find out!

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Business Source Licensing (Асен Тотин
/⁠MariaDB Corporation⁠/)

The world of open source presents a substantial challenge to creating a sustainable business model. MariaDB recently created the Business Source License (BSL) as an alternative to existing approaches. We believe BSL offers the community more benefits that traditional "open core", "dual licensing" and related models, ultimately staying true to the open source spirit.

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Software Resiliency in the Cloud (Ivo Vachkov
/⁠Xi Group Ltd.⁠/)

This presentation will demonstrate a variety of principles for building Cloud-native applications and how those principles deliver software resiliency. Overall software design should follow a new set of principles in environment with inherent instability.

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DoS and DDoS mitigations with eBPF, XDP and DPDK (Marian Marinov

This talk will cover our exploration into mitigating DoS/DDoS type of attacks with eBPF, XDP and DPDK. You will learn what worked and what not for this type of mitigations.

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Going Peer-to-Peer with WebRTC (Luca Ongaro)

Did you know that it is possible to create fully encrypted peer-to-peer connections between web browsers? That you can stream audio, video, and even arbitrary data between browsers (almost) without a server in between? Enter WebRTC: open web standards are truly amazing! This talk explains how WebRTC works, why it is relevant in 2019, how to write your own peer-to-peer applications, and how to move even beyond web browsers and into IoT applications.

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Evolving big microservice architectures (Николай Стоицев

Microservices are a well-established architecture applied by many organizations around the world to build scalable and fault-tolerant backend systems. But as these systems grow so does the number of services in them. And this brings many challenges when we want to introduce new functionality. For a simple feature, engineers may need to spend a lot of time designing the end to end flow, changing code in multiple services and setting up complex test scenarios. During this talk, we’ll explore how to evolve a microservice architecture to be easily extensible based on some lessons learned from running 5000 microservices in production. We’ll go over different architectural patterns and open source tools that we can use to make it easy for all engineers to understand, extend and be more and more productive in such big complex systems.

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GNU/Linux: coming to a phone near you (Merlijn Wajer)

This talk will present (and show off) the current state of Maemo Leste on a handful of mobile phones and tablets, including but not limited to: PinePhone development kit, PinePhone prototype (if available at the time), PineTab development kit, Nokia N900, Nexus 5 and the Motorola Droid 4. We will show phone calls, data connections, wireless, virtual keyboards and more.

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From 0kmph to Blinking LED (John Hawley
/⁠VMware - Open Source Technology Center⁠/)

It's hard to argue that we aren't living in a new golden age, one where technology is becoming pervasive in ways that our ancestors could only describe as impossible. We have watches you can not only talk to and make phone calls on, but that tell the time, phones that are used more to browse the web than to talk on, and TVs without channels anymore, but more content to view than could be imagined. As most software folks will attest, making a lot of this work isn't that hard - but as software people we can become divorced from the hardware we work on, and with IoT bringing cheap, plentiful, and VERY powerful computers and microcontrollers, maybe it's time that software developers should also start building their own hardware as well.

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Best practices in creating build and deployment pipelines (Boyan Mihaylov)

The code that we, developers, write only works when this happens in production. The journey from our development machine to production defines the quality of this code and the flexibility of the entire organization to create value for its end-users. In this talk, we will explore theories and best practices for enabling continuous integration/deployment for your organization. We will see good and bad examples from my experience within different types of organizations and the implication such build/deployment pipelines have on the entire organization.

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WiFi-Mesh for monitoring and management of large areas (Цветан Узунов
/⁠Олимекс ООД⁠/)

По време на лекцията ще се опишат и демонстрират възможностите на WiFi-mesh технологията, с която се покриват големи площи, като е достатъчно точките в мрежата да виждат поне един съседен елемент. Приложенията на тази технология са много - от мониторинг и отдалечено управление на машини в заводи, до охрана, автоматизация и климатизация на големи сгради и обекти, без да се полагат допълнителни кабели. За да работи мрежата е необходимо просто да има захранване, т.е. съществуваща електрическа инсталация.

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Infrastructure Review (Владимир Витков)

Who, what, and how makes this event tick and some times tock.

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Free and open source toolchains for FPGAs (Rangel Ivanov)

Днес почти всички компилатори и интерпретатори за софтуер/фърмуер са open source. Ако искате да пробвате някой език или платформа, няма проблем: отивате на сайта на съответния език, сваляте си компилатора/интерпретатора или инсталирате съответния пакет за вашата GNU/Linux дистрибуция и сте готови. Искате да разберете как работи дадена част от компилатора/интерпретатора или искате да поправите някой бъг, няма проблем - почти всички са open source. Но уви, при програмируемия хардуер(FPGA) не е така. В тази лекция ще засегнем какви opensource tools съществуват, кои устройства/чипове поддържат, opensource FPGA дизайни/проекти, ползващи чипове, които се поддържат от opensource инструментите, какви проекти могат да се реализират с тях, какви платки за разработка със съответните чипове съществуват и какво предстои занапред.

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Building the next telco: Introduction to Network Service Mesh (Ivana Atanasova

The technology evolution drives a significant continuous increase in the total number of connected devices and the overall generated traffic. This pushes network service providers, like ISPs and Telcos, to carefully consider their technology choices when designing their next-generation architectures. Unfortunately, the current generation of container networking solutions doesn't fit very well to those preventing industries with more sophisticated network demands from adopting the new cloud-native paradigm. The newly adopted CNCF Sandbox project, Network Service Mesh, offers a potential solution. In this talk we'll introduce the novel approach Network Service Mesh uses to solve complicated L2/L3 challenges in Kubernetes. We will also discuss use-cases and provide a set of examples of this solution.

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Job security или как да стана неуволняем (Живко Ангелов

Лоши практики при писането на код, погледнато от смешната страна. Или как лошия пример може да ни помогне да станем по-добри.

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Legal Challenges of TDM in Web-Scraped Content by EU companies (Zhulieta Mandazhieva
/⁠Digital Republic⁠/)

NLP-based TDM is at the heart of many business functions and analyses nowadays. From search engine indexing and optimisation to business/media inteligence, global AML risk&compliance and effective headhunting, acquiring and utilising rich, relevant, diverse datasets is more lucrative than ever. Where does your data come from and can you trigger a lawsuit from an author, publisher or data subject? The Internet is global but IP and privacy laws are still national and it is not always a clear cut and safe bet to scrape data globally. I will try to raise some red flags, outline some safe harbours and instigate further discussion.

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Testing Cloud Native applications with KIND (Rostislav Georgiev

This talk will walk you through testing cloud native applications (or parts of them) with KIND. KIND is a relatively new project. Started in 2018 by the Kubernetes community, it allows you to create a test Kubernetes cluster, that is close to production, yet easy to use by test automation and end-users alike.

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Методика за добиване на универсални умения за разработка на код (Георги Пенков
/⁠Софийски Университет⁠/)

Методика за добиване на универсални умения за разработка на код и работа с инф. системи, формализирана в опита от над 1500 преподавателски часа във ФМИ на СУ и НБУ.

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LibreOffice community & membership in TDF: how to get in (Gabriele Ponzo
/⁠The Document Foundation⁠/)

This talk will describe the various ways in which everyone can contribute to and become part of LibreOffice community and eventually member of The Document Foundation.

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Databases in Kubernetes 101 (Petko Vasilev

As Kubernetes is getting more and more popular, developers are trying to put their whole stack in it. A vital part of this stack is the database, which is by definition stateful, and as such presents a unique set of problems that need to be addressed in order to achieve a robust system. Here we'll discuss a primary/replica MariaDB Server topology fronted by a MariaDB MaxScale proxy.

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The leak of billions of passwords (Kirils Solovjovs)

Beginning of 2019 marked the time of many underground user:password databases leaking into the general internet. What's inside those leaks? Who's at risk? How did that happen? And what do we do now?

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Фактори за успеха на ML решенията (Пейо Попов

За успеха на един ML проект оптимизацията на алгоритмите и използването на последните достижения имат сравнително малък принос. Ефективните усилия са насочени към определяне измерители за успех, всички аспекти на данните, включване на хора в процесите, инфраструктура за автоматизация, интеграция и чак тогава към ML оптимизация. Най-голямо значение имат човешките умения, процеси и инструменти, като "AI магията" единствено ги умножава.

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EdgeX Foundry - Microservices at the Edge (Nikolay Stanchev

Flexibility and interoperability in the field of IoT software is the main goal. The challenges the IoT needs to handle include resource limitations (CPU/RAM/storage/network capacity and availability), implementing security at the edge of the network, work with a diverse set of devices, that use different network protocols, managing the overall generated data traffic, etc. The mix of platforms, “things” - sensors, actuators, applications, intelligence, etc. all connected in a single IoT deployment is extensive and ever-growing. How do you create a software platform that addresses all these problems, allows incorporation of various edge analytics, communicates to a diverse set of cloud and enterprise platforms like Azure, Google, AWS, etc.?

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Burnout – синдром на професионалното изчерпване (Петър Събев

Какво е професионално изгаряне, "прегаряне", "изпържване", професионално изчерпване или просто бърнаут? Много от най-продуктивните хора поне веднъж са се чувствали професионално изчерпани - ще разгледаме няколко такива случая, историята на бърнаута накратко, какви са фазите и стадиите, как да се "усещаме", когато сме на път да прегорим, и какви начини има да го победим... За купона ще вкарам Metallica, "Тигре, тигре" и "Sound of Silence" в една презентация, без да пея...

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Scalable and secure infrastructure with LXD, ZFS and LUKS (Стоил Стоилов

Скалируема и сигурна инфраструктура, базирана на LXD контейнери, ZFS и LUKS. Защо избрахме един по-различен технологичен стек при изграждането на инфраструктурата за нашия частен облак. За проучванията и решенията, които взехме и използваме вече над 3 години.

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C++ as Assembly 2.0 - Hello Nim (Виктор Кирилов

Nim is statically typed systems and applications programming language which offers some of the most powerful metaprogramming capabilities. It is the next iteration of imperative language design and aims to dethrone C/C++ for high performance coding - among its rivals are Rust and D. Nim is also perfectly suited for software typically written in C#, Java, JavaScript, etc. - basically all types of software. Nim can bridge the gap between business logic and high performance, sprinkling improved developer productivity on top. Nim is compiled to C/C++ (and JavaScript among others) and thus interoperability is straightforward and without any performance penalties - lots of existing C/C++ software can be reused and built upon.

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Handling big traffic with small machines (Vihren Ganev

How we handle a 1000% traffic spike in 3 minutes with no downtime: Cache everything

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Живот извън мрежата - автоматизация и мониторинг (Marin Tashkov

Как да живеем независимо от енерго дружествата и да автоматизираме процесите по мониторинг и поддръжка на системата. Различни видове фотоволтаични инсталации - софтуери за дизайн, управление и мониторинг. Технологии за безопасно съхранението на енергия в акумулаторни батерии и не само.

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За свободата, програмиста и развитието (Николай Цветинов

Напоследък от господин програмиста се очаква много! То това важи и за госпожицата/госпожата програмист(ка?)! Много, много, много, толкова много, че само работенето не стига, за да се развиваме в правилните насоки… Какво означава това? Трябва да правим нещо и след работа, че да останем търсени и желани? Всъщност не, има такова предлагане, че и търсенето е голямо, но за да си вършим по-добре работата, можем да поработим над себе си. Работата над себе си е важна работа. Нали все дирят магьосници (бели, сиви, но не и черни) и нинджи (черни!!!!). Аз съм правил различни неща през живота си, за да "вдигам левъл", та реших да споделя, както и да поразсъждавам над тези въпроси. И не, няма да си говорим за хобита като "свирене на гайда", което е яко, ама е офтопик. Ще си говорим за хобита и странични дейности, свързани с компютърни науки, информатика, математика, програмиране. Нека пофилософстваме за книгите, които си струват, конференциите и дали и за какво да говорим на тях, отворения код, затворения код, абе кода въобще, за програмистите и креативността, за свободата и още нещо…

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Lightning talks

Различни 5-минутни лекции със записване на място

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Споделени тренирани модели - следващата стъпка към достъпен AI (Ясен Кипров
/⁠SiteGround Hosting⁠/)

Много често най-добрите невронни мрежи са с много слоеве и параметри и са тренирани върху огромни количества данни дълго време. Ще направим обзор на някои такива мрежи и научните екипи, които споделят вече тренирани модели за мрежите си. Ще обсъдим как можем да адаптираме такива модели за нови задачи.

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Платформа за проучвания на градската среда (Йордан Дервишев)

Платформата за проучвания на градската среда има за цел да събира данни за градската среда чрез помощта на гражданите (crowdsourcing). Събраните данни осигуряват актуална информация как хората възприемат средата и ще спомогнат за по-добро ѝ планиране. Платформата е с отворен код и осигурява отворени данни.

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Luca Ongaro
Георги Пенков
Владимир Витков
Marian Marinov
John Hawley
Стефан Добрев
Merlijn Wajer
Живко Ангелов
Vihren Ganev
Steven Rostedt
Цветан Узунов
Nikolay Stanchev
Николай Цветинов
Kirils Solovjovs
Ruth Cheesley
Dimo Dimov
Йордан Дервишев
Dimitar Zahariev
Michael Kreil
Marin Dimitrov
Николай Тенев
Marie Gutbub
Ясен Кипров
Emanuil Tolev
Николай Стоицев
Ivo Vachkov
Пейо Попов
Neven Boyanov
Стоил Стоилов
Tiberiu Turbureanu
Marin Tashkov
Петър Събев
Виктор Кирилов
Александър Тодоров
Атанас Янков
Димитър  Йорданов
Rostislav Georgiev
Rangel Ivanov
Асен Тотин
Ivana Atanasova
Petko Vasilev
Gabriele Ponzo
Ivan Angelov
Екип на OpenFest
Boyan Mihaylov
Albert Einstein
Тони Герджиков
Zhulieta  Mandazhieva
Lyuba  Popova
Luca Ongaro

Luca Ongaro

Luca is an engineer from Milano, Italy, currently living and working in Berlin. He loves building things with software, both as a profession and as a hobby, and especially so when using free and open technologies. He is a science enthusiast, and most happy when he has the opportunity to learn from field specialists.

Георги Пенков

Георги Пенков

Възпитаник на НПМГ и ФМИ. Добива от рано опит с ИТ проекти още в предното хилядолетие, а после и с 1000+ часа като преподавател по 6-7 дисциплини, някои авторски, в бакалавърските програми на ФМИ. Мнозина твърдят, че са го забелязвали пред публика и с музикални плочи в ръка. Без да навлиза в религиозни спорове следи развитието на технологиите на много фронтове. Текущи интереси в областта на големите данни, ГИС системи, архитектура на модели и разбира се целенасочена и ефективна работа. Запален сноубордист и плувец. <br/> Жури в няколко хакатона, участник в конференции с теми, вариращи от чисто технологичини до такива с почти философска насоченост. Познат като преподавател по Perl, ES6, C++, Бази Данни и СДП. Работил е на чело на звено за разработка с няколко екипа, и още като бизнес аналист, организатор на събития и жуналист. Понастоящем софтуерен архитект и консултант междусвъразност и модели на данни. <br/> <a href=''> Професионален профил в LinkedIn </a>

Владимир Витков

Владимир Витков

Владимир е системен администратор от над 15 години. Има опит във всякакви шарени сфери като телеком и най-обикновен съпорт. Последните 7+ години активно му се налага да работи с облачни услуги и да развива инфраструктурата и автоматизацията, необходима за правилното функциониране на вашата услуга/сайт. Сблъскал се е с най-приятните и най-неприятните моменти от работата.

Marian Marinov

Marian Marinov

Marian is a system administrator by heart. He is working with Linux for almost 20 years. Currently, he is Head System Architect of He is a big fan of FOSS and regularly speaks at different FOSS conferences around the world. Marian also helps with the organization of OpenFest - Bulgaria's biggest FOSS conferences. In his spare time, he teaches Linux system administration and Network security courses at Sofia University and SoftUni.

John Hawley

John Hawley

John 'Warthog9' Hawley led the system administration team on for nearly a decade, leading a team including four other administrators. His other exploits include working on Syslinux, OpenSSI, a caching Gitweb, and patches to bind to enable GeoDNS. He's the author of PXE Knife, a set of interfaces around common utilities and diagnostics tools needed by an average systems administrator, as well as SyncDiff(erent) a state-full file synchronizer and file transfer mechanism. He currently works for VMware working on upstream Open Source Software. In his free time, he enjoys cooking extravagant meals and watching bad movies.

Стефан Добрев

Стефан Добрев

Stefan has been fighting entropy in software for more than a decade. He believes that nothing is impossible, it just takes a little longer to accomplish. Stefan's mission is to build great teams fueled by a strong culture. His playground is ST6 which is a cultural startup with a focus on software craftsmanship.

Merlijn Wajer

Merlijn Wajer

Merlijn Wajer finished his Bachelor of Computer Science at the University of Amsterdam and is currently pursuing a Master of Science in Computational Science at the same university. He loves working on free and open source software. Next to his academical adventures, he is one of the founders of the “Hart voor Internetvrijheid” foundation, a foundation dedicated to protecting anonymity online. He is also a board member at the Amsterdam Hackerspace “Technologia Incognita” and a member of the Sofia Hackerspace "initLab".

Живко Ангелов

Живко Ангелов

Живко е част от DevOps екипа на SiteGround вече 13 години. Харесва програмисти оптимисти, които все още вярват в красиво написания код. Харесва Go. Предизвикателство за него е да твори батаци (job security) и да обвинява колегите за направените безобразия. Не обича да се показва името му при изпълнението на git blame.

Vihren Ganev

Vihren Ganev

Vihren is CTO in 1ForFit – a global health-oriented digital company that owns websites in the TOP 3 SimilarWeb websites in the weight loss category. Vihren leads the IT team of the company and is also passionate about new tech and business approaches.

Steven Rostedt

Steven Rostedt

Steven has been working on the Linux kernel since 1998 (started while working on his masters). He has been working on the Linux kernel professionally since 2001. Steven is one of the original developers of the PREEMPT_RT patch which turns Linux into a true real-time operating system. Steven is also the original developer and current maintainer of Ftrace (the official tracer of the Linux kernel). Steven has also created an open source userspace tool to interact with Ftrace called trace-cmd, and a GUI for that tool called KernelShark. Steven is now leading development to rewrite KernelShark and extend it beyond just the Linux kernel. Steven has given talks all over the world on various aspects of Linux. He is part of the Linux Foundation Technical Advisory Board and on the Linux Plumbers Program Committee. Currently, Steven works for VMware as an Open Source Engineer, promoting Open Source both inside and outside the company.

Цветан Узунов

Цветан Узунов

Цветан Узунов е Hardware hacker и се опитва да популяризира Open Source Hardware в България. Занимава се с хардуер и софтуер, откакто се помни. Основава фирма Олимекс преди 27 години, повечето от продуктите на фирмата са с отворен хардуер и софтуер, показвайки на практика, че отворените технологии не само не пречат, но помагат да се създават по-добри продукти и правят бизнеса по-успешен.

Nikolay Stanchev

Nikolay Stanchev

Nikolay is an Open Source Engineering Intern at VMware Open Source Technology Center in Bulgaria, where he works on an open source edge IoT project EdgeX Foundry. The main focus of his work is performance testing, EdgeX CLI and code refactoring and standardization. He studies Information Systems at Sofia University, Bulgaria

Николай Цветинов

Николай Цветинов

Николай Цветинов е професионален програмист от повече от 14 години. Занимавал се е с различни неща – SPA apps, функционално програмиране, ламбда-свързани теми, Java, Ruby, JavaScript, Elixir, напоследък вълнуващото нещо за него е типови системи. Част от курса по Elixir във ФМИ, част от Elixir обществото в България (и не само). Музикант и поет. Известен на хората, които са работили с него, като Meddle. Създател на ProAct.js - Създател на Reacto - Създател на Blogit -

Kirils Solovjovs

Kirils Solovjovs

Kirils Solovjovs is an IT security expert, lead researcher at Possible Security and the most visible white-hat hacker in Latvia. Kirils is one of the authors of the jailbreak tool for Mikrotik RouterOS. He has extensive experience in network flow analysis, reverse engineering, social engineering, and penetration testing. Currently, he is a co-owner and lead researcher at Possible Security.Mg. sc. comp. Kirils Solovjovs is Lead Researcher at Possible Security, bug bounty hunter, IT policy activist, and the most visible white-hat hacker in Latvia having discovered and responsibly disclosed or reported multiple security vulnerabilities in information systems of both national and international significance. Kirils has developed the jailbreak tool for Mikrotik RouterOS. He has extensive experience in social engineering, penetration testing, network flow analysis, reverse engineering, and the legal dimension. He has spoken at many amazing conferences including SHA2017, 35C3, CONFidence, Hack In The Box, Hack in Paris, Hackfest, Nullcon, BalCCon, TyphoonCon, and of course OpenFest 2017.

Ruth Cheesley

Ruth Cheesley

Ruth is an Open Source evangelist with over 18 years of experience using and contributing to many different projects. Having served on the Community Leadership Team of the Joomla! project and built a full-service digital agency, she now works as the Mautic Community Manager at Acquia, supporting the community who build and maintain the world's first Open Source Marketing Automation platform. Ruth is a lover of cats, a keen runner and is based in the East of England.

Dimo Dimov

Dimo Dimov

Most of Dimo's professional life is about automotive electronics, C, C++, DSP, video processing and whenever possible Free Open Source Software (FOSS). Dimo believes that complete development toolchains, based entirely on FOSS, can sustain a business: from a schematic and PCB design, through embedded software development, to automated continuous integration and tests on real targets.

Йордан Дервишев

Йордан Дервишев

Софтуерен разработчик с 10 годишен опит. Интересува се от работа с географски данни и как съвременните технологии могат да подобрят заобикалящата среда.

Dimitar Zahariev

Dimitar Zahariev

Dimitar is an openSUSE Advocate and a lecturer. As an openSUSE Advocate, I seek to popularize the project and, in particular, the distribution and help people adopt it and use it. As a lecturer, I have participated in conferences on different topics. For the past two+ years, I have been developing and teaching courses on topics such as Windows, Linux, and DevOps.

Michael Kreil

Michael Kreil

Michael Kreil has been specializing in handling and researching large amounts of data for over two decades. He spent the last 10 years working as a data journalist for various media outlets.

Marin Dimitrov

Marin Dimitrov

Marin Dimitrov is an engineering manager at Uber in Sofia. Apart from helping the engineering teams deliver on critical projects for financial & tax compliance for all lines of business and all markets that Uber operates on, Marin is passionate about finding new learning, mentorship and collaboration opportunities for the Sofia teams via open source projects

Николай Тенев

Николай Тенев

Николай е Solution Architect в StorPool. Започнал като системен администратор в последното десетилетие на миналия век, постепенно интересът и кариерата му се изместват към бизнес и продуктово развитие. В свободното си време се занимава с изучаване и практикуване на техники за сгъване на дрехи, докато хората са все още в тях (a.k.a. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu).

Marie Gutbub

Marie Gutbub

Marie Gutbub is an open source and privacy advocate, campaigner, event organizer and information security trainer currently based in Berlin, Germany. Since 2014 she has participated in building the CryptoParty movement in Berlin, worked as an infosec trainer at various journalism schools and conferences, and organized many journalism, privacy and open source events. Marie's work also focusses on communication, for example as a freelance journalist, a communications officer for human rights and open source organizations, and a campaigner for freedom of the press, whistleblowing and digital rights. She currently works at the Open Knowledge Foundation Germany where she is a program manager and event organizer for the Prototype Fund. You can read more about Marie's work on

Ясен Кипров

Ясен Кипров

Ясен има повече от 10 години опит като програмист, NLP инженер, лектор и предприемач. В момента ръководи екип от R&D инженери в задачата им да оптимизират обслужването на клиентите на СайтГраунд чрез изкуствен интелект.

Emanuil Tolev

Emanuil Tolev

Emanuil is a Community Engineer with Elastic, the company behind the open source Elastic Stack (Elasticsearch, APM, Kibana, Beats, and Logstash). He's based in London. He used to be a freelance web developer + ops lead and ran a small open science web dev consultancy with partners for several years. Interested in mentorship, inclusion, small businesses, archery and always curious about how the world works in detail.

Николай Стоицев

Николай Стоицев

Николай Стоицев работи върху големи разпределени системи в Uber, обслужващи милиони потребители по целия свят. Също така е асистент във ФМИ към СУ Св. Климент Охридски. Знае едновременно как да центрира неща със CSS и CAP теоремата.

Ivo Vachkov

Ivo Vachkov

Ivo Vachkov has a degree in Law from Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski. He has 10+ years of IT experience in operational and management positions for companies developing distributed web systems, payment systems, and active content recognition systems. He also has an extensive security background and is teaching a Network Security course at New Bulgarian University. He is currently engaged in building multiple enterprise projects that utilize both IaaS and PaaS cloud technologies. Active DevOps advocate.

Пейо Попов

Пейо Попов

Пейо Попов е юрист, който се занимава преди всичко с ИТ. Като част от екипа на Онтотекст отговаря за търговската дейност на компанията в САЩ и се грижи за някои от големите клиенти на компанията.

Neven Boyanov

Neven Boyanov

Непоправим стартъп ентусиаст, предприемач, преподавател, активист в Клуба на Програмистите във Велико Търново. Стартира проекта Тинузавър през 2013 като лична инициатива за разработка на микроконтролерна платка за собствени продукти и за обучение по хардуер и софтуер. Така в последвалите 5 години проектът набира скорост и популярност, а в началото на 2018 прераства в бизнес с устойчив модел, базиран на софтуер и хардуер с отворен/свободен код и лиценз. Съосновател на Интерлекта – продуктова фирма в областта на мобилните комуникации и телемедицината с офиси в България и САЩ. Като визионер и мотиватор, той спомага фирмата постоянно да надминава собствените си възможности – не само в областта на технологиите, но и в създаването на стратегически партньорства и нови бизнес модели. Съосновател на Клуб на програмистите в Велико Търново – организация с нестопанска цел, насочена към образованието, създаване на нови умения и личностното развитие за хора от всички възрасти в областта на информационните технологии. Докторант към ФМИ/ВТУ с разработка в областта на комуникациите и защитата на информацията.

Стоил Стоилов

Стоил Стоилов

Stoil is dedicated to technology in every aspect of his life. For more than 15 years now he has a really broad experience from software development, through networks and infrastructure, along with several hardware developments and embedded systems. He loves to use this knowledge in building the big picture in projects and bringing interesting solutions to problems. Stoil has been in several positions as a software developer, system administrator, solution architect, and lecturer. Today works mostly on infrastructure and cloud automation and keeps putting his nose in everything technology-related.

Tiberiu Turbureanu

Tiberiu Turbureanu

President of Fundația Ceata, a foundation for free software and free culture based in Bucharest, Romania. Founder of the Technoethical Project focused on free system-compatible hardware. The Technoethical Shop is home to the largest catalog of computers certified by the Free Software Foundation to Respect Your Freedom.

Marin Tashkov

Marin Tashkov

Marin enjoys the constant learning it takes to come up with smart software solutions to overcome the constantly-rising challenges in the IT world. He has been a firefighter, coder, and DevOps guy for 10+ years at SiteGround. He is also very passioned about new and emerging technologies from variety of industries.

Петър Събев

Петър Събев

Peter Sabev has 12 years of professional experience in the field of software development and quality assurance. He has built QA teams from scratch in five different software companies in different sectors, including finances, insurance, real estate, e-commerce, smart homes, and IoT, fraud prevention, security, and cryptography. Peter is currently working for a security company called MIRACL, and writing a PhD dissertation about test automation. He is also co-organising different conferences and events for the IT community in Bulgaria.

Виктор Кирилов

Виктор Кирилов

With 7 years of professional experience with C++ in the games/VFX/DB industries, Viktor is an avid supporter and contributor to open source and is a regular speaker at international conferences. His latest open-source work has been the implementation of hot code-reloading at runtime for the Nim programming language. He is also the author of doctest - "The fastest C++11 single-header testing framework".

Александър Тодоров

Александър Тодоров

Алекс е програмист и QA с 10 години опит в бранша. Той е открил над 1600 бъга и е бил test lead на Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 през целия жизнен цикъл на продукта. В момента се занимава основно с QA консултация и research на различни QA техники. Обича да пише на Python и да праща пул рикуести в GitHub.

Атанас Янков

Атанас Янков

Мрежов Архитект, BSD fen :) Човек, който обича да тества и да използва много и най-различни open source tools. CCAI

Димитър  Йорданов

Димитър Йорданов

Димитър Йорданов е Open Source ентусиаст, който след години на разработка на софтуер с отворен код за Red Hat се впуска в едно ново приключение – този път под крилото на VMWare, а именно създаването и рaзвиването на Open Source екипи. През свободното си време се опитва да бъде обществено отговорен през проекта си Yoga for Fun – Велико Търново.

Rostislav Georgiev

Rostislav Georgiev

Rostislav (or simply Ross) started programming as a hobby in his early teens. Since then, he is interested in operating system architectures, IoT, storage, cluster computing, and cloud-native design. He is part of the VMware Open Source Technology Center and Kubernetes community member. Aside from IT, he also likes cats, cars, history and Bulgarian folklore dances.

Rangel Ivanov

Rangel Ivanov

Open source software and open source hardware enthusiast. Software developer by day, FPGA hobbyist by night. Big fan of RISC-V and the upcoming open source FPGA toolchains.

Асен Тотин

Асен Тотин

Магистър-инженер с образователен опит в България и Германия. Близо двадесет години опит в областта на системното и приложното програмиране и телекомуникациите. Приемал различни предизвикателства през годините, от business development в ISP в ранните години на българския Интернет, през работа в няколко български и чуждестранни софтуерни компании на различни нива чак до CTO, до управление на финансите на голям независим телеком оператор. Понастоящем работи за търговската част на MariaDB, MariaDB Corporation, в звеното за консултантски услуги (Professional Services).

Ivana Atanasova

Ivana Atanasova

Ivana Atanasova is part of the VMware's Open Source Program Office. She's been contributing to OpenFaaS as a project member and later became a contributor to Network Service Mesh. She's been speaking to various events including IstaCon, KubeCon, and Open Source Summit EU

Petko Vasilev

Petko Vasilev

Software developer at MariaDB, working in the are of Docker and Kubernetes implementations.

Gabriele Ponzo

Gabriele Ponzo

An early adopter from the StarOffice days, he joined Progetto Linguistico Italiano OpenOffice during the 2009 Conference in Orvieto and has been part of community until LibreOffice was born. Training and support are his most common activities and he's been also working on LibreUmbria and LibreDifesa projects as a teacher. He is the chairman of the Membership Committee in The Document Foundation and also a founder of LibreItalia, where he's also in the Board of Directors. His contributions are mostly speaking at conferences and as official Italian voice for videos, some translations, Bug reporting (Quality Assurance), and user support on the Italian and international mailing lists. Certified Trainer and Migration Expert from February 2015. Part of the Membership Committee from 2014, chairman from October 2017.

Ivan Angelov

Ivan Angelov

Ivan Angelov has completed his PhD in Physics at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics in Garching near Munich. Afterwards, Ivan decided to give in to his long-standing passion for IT and began working freelance as a software developer. Not quite satisfied with his freelance options at the time, he now works for an IT consulting company in Munich. Ivan has retained his enthusiasm for physics over the years and this, together with excitement about information technology, has naturally drawn his interest to the field of quantum computing, which he now explores as a hobby. When he is not in front of a computer, Ivan likes to spend his free time traveling or in the mountains.

Екип на OpenFest

Екип на OpenFest

Coming soon.

Boyan Mihaylov

Boyan Mihaylov

Boyan is a software architect and developer, thinking human-first when writing software. He enjoys experimenting and talking about technology and its application to solving everyday problems. He prefers working solutions to concrete frameworks and languages. Boyan believes technology needs more storytelling and he tries to convey such.

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein

At the TOOOL booth, you can try to pick your own lock. TOOOL is bringing the tools, you just have to bring your wits and your perseverance. From beginners to experts at the fine art of lockpicking we brought something for everyone! About TOOOL Toool is The Open Organisation Of Lockpickers, a growing group of enthusiasts interested in locks, keys, and ways of opening locks without keys. Toool was founded in 2002 in Amsterdam. In 2006, a local chapter in Eindhoven was founded, and in 2015 a chapter started in Groningen. They all have regular meetings (once every other week). Members of Toool are welcome in all cities. People from abroad are welcome too. Especially from Belgium as there is no lockpicking group in Belgium. The USA has a Toool US that was founded in 2005. In the UK, a Toool UK has just been formed in 2014. Both groups are separate legal entities, but they have strong bonds with Toool.NL Find them online: Toool.US Toool.CO.UK

Тони Герджиков

Тони Герджиков

Тони Герджиков е софтуерен инженер с над 15 години опит. В момента премина на тъмната страна и се изявавя в мениджмънт тракта. През тези години е интервюирал стотици хора и е помогнал на десетки да започнат работа в сферата на ИТ. В сводното си време се занимава с 3Д принтиране, Ардуино и Raspberry PI. Личната му мисии са "Отворено и Достъпно ИТ Образование" и "Повече програмисти във България".

Zhulieta  Mandazhieva

Zhulieta Mandazhieva

Zhulieta's professional interests lie in the field of technology law, AI and digital/payment digital services. She is an active member of Digital Republic Association -, expert in the field of internet governance. Digital Republic fosters the open data/access/source and copyleft, net neutrality and protection of digital rights. Zhulieta cooperates daily with data aggegators, online platforms, ecommerce agents, paytech companies, software development companies, cloud providers. She is an LL.M candidate at Queen Mary University of London and her master's thesis is in the realm of IP legal aspects of National Language Processing. She is a CIPP/E with IAPP and an EUIPO registered attorney. She speaks English and German.

Lyuba  Popova

Lyuba Popova

Lyuba is a young design enthusiast and environmental preservationist by heart. She graduated from AUBG with а double major in Mass communications as well as Political science. Through them she strives to promote the values ​​of a sustainable futurе, as she is currently developing her own brand for sustainable accessories and upcycling workshops - Amalgama. Along with her work in Amalgama, she develops her interests in conceptual design and branding often acts as a "designer behind the scene" in other various projects, both private and non-profit. Lyuba (or Bu, as people shortly call her) believes that the change to a better future stays in the small steps made by each of us.

2nd and 3rd of November, 2019
"John Atanasoff" forum, Sofia Tech Park, Sofia, Bulgaria


SAGIPACCTPaysafevmware bulgaria logokonsulko_logoSAPZoipersumup


Venue: "John Atanasoff" forum, Sofia Tech Park, Sofia, Bulgaria

By trolley bus

Trolley busses 5 and 8 to the Sofia Tech Park stop.

Trolley bus 4 to the Aviation Square bus stop.

By bus

Bus 84, 184 or 306 to the Sofia Tech Park bus stop.

Bus 305 to the Aviation Square bus stop.

Map of all routes (click to enlarge):

OpenFest map

Venue: "John Atanasoff" forum, Sofia Tech Park, Sofia, Bulgaria

By trolley bus

Trolley busses 5 and 8 to the Sofia Tech Park stop.

Trolley bus 4 to the Aviation Square bus stop.

By bus

Bus 84, 184 or 306 to the Sofia Tech Park bus stop.

Bus 305 to the Aviation Square bus stop.

Map of all routes (click to enlarge):

OpenFest map