
Кирил Митов
Andrew Radev
Николай Николаев
Krasimir Tsonev
Василена Вълчанова
Венко Моянков
Kristof Provost
Николай Стоицев
Ivana Atanasova
Philippe Coval
Alexander Reelsen
Velichka Atanasova
Божидар Божанов
Duncan Mac-Vicar P.
Pau Garcia Quiles
Боян Кроснов
Николай Тенев
Peter Hansteen
Ismail Ismail
Georgi Kaludov
Стоил Стоилов
Николай Михайлов
Кирил Митов

Кирил Митов

Кирил Митов е президент на Axlessoft, където се занимава с разработка на интернет продукти и платформи последната от които е свързана с доставяне на 3D в интернет - buildin3d.com. Има широк опит с разработката на софтуер. Последните месеци около Covid пандемията по света, любимата му команда е 'git rm', която дава възможност да се освободиш от това, което да дърпа назад. Дълги години преподава в ТУЕС и не изпуска възможност да спомене ТУЕС в преставяне. Основава училище по роботика Robopartans преди 2010 и успешно развива организацията до 10 града в страната, след което излиза от дейността през 2019. Основава и ръководи една от големите платформи за обучение в сферата на техническите науки - fllcasts.com с преподаватели и ученици от над 74 държави.

Andrew Radev

Andrew Radev

Andrew writes Ruby for a living, Javascript by necessity, and Vimscript with a surprising amount of enthusiasm. These days, he's acting as an agent for the Rust Evangelism Task Force, doing talks and teaching a Rust course at Sofia University.

Николай Николаев

Николай Николаев

Николай Николаев работи в ИТ индустрията от 20 години, основно в обласста на мрежовата свързаност в различните и форми. В биографията му има и много системно програмираня, виртуализация, контейнеризация а в напоследък и облаци. В последните години, Николай е работил в компании като Canonical и VMware, а в момента е Technical Lead в Kong. Технологиите с отворен код са съпътствали цялата му кариера, от любителски проекти в свободното си време, до професионален разработчик и лидер в Open Source общността.

Krasimir Tsonev

Krasimir Tsonev

Krasimir Tsonev is a coder with over ten years of experience in web development. Author of books on Node.js and React he works at Antidote.me where he helps people reaching clinical trials. Loves React and its ecosystem.

Василена Вълчанова

Василена Вълчанова

Василена е маркетинг консултант, трейнър и презентатор. Има близо 15 години опит с изграждане на цялостни маркетинг стратегии, маркетинг чрез съдържание и оптимизация на конверсии (CRO) в различни индустрии като потребителска електроника, е-търговия и SaaS (software-as-a-service). Работила е с марки като LG Electronics, DELL, Razer, Ozone.bg, Enhancv. В свободното си време организира събития за популярна наука с Ratio, преподава контент маркетинг в SoftUni и пише блог за дигитални стратегии и онлайн маркетинг - Valchanova.me.

Венко Моянков

Венко Моянков

Venko Moyankov is an experienced system administrator and solutions architect at StorPool storage. He has experience with managing large virtualizations, working in telcos, designing and supporting the infrastructure of large enterprises. In the last year, his focus has been in helping companies globally to build the best storage solution according to their needs and projects.

Kristof Provost

Kristof Provost

Kristof is a freelance embedded software engineer specialising in network and video applications. He's a FreeBSD committer, maintainer of the pf firewall in FreeBSD and a board member of the EuroBSDCon foundation. Kristof has an unfortunate tendency to stumble into uClibc bugs, and a burning hatred for FTP. Do not talk to him about IPv6 fragmentation.

Николай Стоицев

Николай Стоицев

Nikolay Stoitsev is an engineering manager at the early stage HealthTech startup Halo DX. He is leading a team that is reimagining the software systems for medical diagnostics to improve human health and well-being. Nikolay has an obsession with building great teams and products. He was previously at Uber, VMware, and different startups.

Ivana Atanasova

Ivana Atanasova

Ivana Atanasova is an engineer within VMware's Open Source Program Office. She’s been contributing to various open source projects including OpenFaaS, Network Service Mesh, and Augur. She’s been speaking at a variety of public conferences such as Open Source Summit, KubeCon, OpenFest, IstaCon, and more.

Philippe Coval

Philippe Coval

Philippe Coval is a Software Engineer who has been supporting FLOSS communities since late 1990ies. He has contributed to various projects such as Debian, Meego, Tizen, IoTivity, OE/Yocto... He was lucky to be part of rare OpenSource teams supported by Industry (Intel, Samsung). Currently parts of "Mozilla Rep" he is contributing to WebThings IoT platform and also open for cooperation opportunities. Feel free to reach him at: https://purl.org/rzr/

Alexander Reelsen

Alexander Reelsen

Alexander Reelsen is a Developer & Advocate, Dad, works since 2013 distributed at Elastic, is interested in search, scale, JVM, crystallang, serverless and Basketball.

Velichka Atanasova

Velichka Atanasova

A 15-year industry veteran, Velichka had spent 13 years working for a large international financial institution where she rose from a junior .NET engineer to the head of the software development department in Sofia. Over the years she's faced all the aspects of the software development life cycle and gained considerable knowledge and experience in Project and People Management. At the end of 2019 she made an exciting and challenging turn in her engineering career joining VMware in the role of Open Source Engineering Manager. From a personal perspective, she is happy to be a managing partner in a family of four focused on raising two smart and self-confident young ladies.

Божидар Божанов

Божидар Божанов

Божидар Божанов е програмист, а понякога и архитект. Основател на LogSentinel. От скука е направил http://computoser.com – компютърен композитор, а друго негово хоби е лингвистиката. Притежател на „дебел“ stackoverflow профил. Залита и по обществено-полезни приложения на софтуерното инженерство, като поради това е част от фондация Общество.бг. Бивш съветник за електронно управление.

Duncan Mac-Vicar P.

Duncan Mac-Vicar P.

Duncan is a veteran open-source enthusiast and contributor. He has contributed to projects like KDE, Salt, openSUSE, Spacewalk and started open-source projects like Kopete and terraform-provider-libvirt. At SUSE, he works as an Engineering Director responsible for the teams working on Uyuni/SUSE Manager (https://www.uyuni-project.org/), Salt, and the infrastructure giving customers access to updates and support (scc.suse.com). When things break, he fixes them, goes to play guitar or starts tweaking his Emacs config. http://duncan.codes

Pau Garcia Quiles

Pau Garcia Quiles

Product Owner & Technical Project Manager of SUSE Manager. Benevolent dictator of Uyuni. Former PMO manager, software developer and sysadmin. Some professional certifications on my wall: PMP, PRINCE2 Practitioner, COBIT Foundations, ITILv4, Scrum Master.

Боян Кроснов

Боян Кроснов

Боян е Chief of Product в StorPool, където от 2011-та правят и поддържат най-добрата на света storage система. Преди това се е занимавал с много неща, в т.ч. дизайн и производство на хардуер, архитектура на инфраструктурни IT продукти, правене на доставчици на услуги, мрежи, преподаване на мрежови неща, програмиране и състезания по информатика.

Николай Тенев

Николай Тенев

Николай е Solution Architect в StorPool. Започнал като системен администратор в последното десетилетие на миналия век, постепенно интересът и кариерата му се изместват към бизнес и продуктово развитие. В свободното си време се занимава с изучаване и практикуване на техники за сгъване на дрехи, докато хората са все още в тях (a.k.a. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu).

Peter Hansteen

Peter Hansteen

Security Engineer, sysadmin, consultant, writer. Author of The Book of PF (https://nostach.com/pf3), occasional blogger (https://bsdly.blogspot.com) and lecturer on IT security with a strong preference for OpenBSD.

Ismail Ismail

Ismail Ismail

Занимавам се с WordPress и CMS платформи от доста време фен съм на свободния код предпочитам да използвам Debian базирани ОС на последък в работата си тествам web и mobile app дали са достъпни за работа от слабо зрящи и не зрящи потребители.

Georgi Kaludov

Georgi Kaludov

Georgi has 12 years experience as a Technical Specialist and Delivery Manager in two of the biggest global tech cmpanies and in the last 4.5 years he is leading IBM Systems Cognitive HW Support teams in few EMEA Markets. He has also been leading workstreams in few Global projects: Systems Essential Employee Development program(SEED) IBM University Relations Program Responsible Impact - Tech for Good Earlier this year, he had the honor to be the first Support person to be recognized with #techtrailblazer coin by Global Technical Sales Vice President. He has always had a passion about airplanes and space travel, which was the main driver for him to gain bachelor degree in Aerospace Engineering at the Technical University - Sofia. For the last several months Georgi is working with Naeem Altaf, IBM Distinguished Engineer & CTO of SpaceTech on few exciting projects, aiming to change the Space industry and make it essential for more industries. Being an IBMer, Georgi has access to an ocean of knowledge, expertise and technology, which motivates him to use all possible ways to implement GoodTech innovations for making positive impact on people lives and worldwide economy.

Стоил Стоилов

Стоил Стоилов

Stoil is dedicated to technology in every aspect of his life. For more than 15 years now he has a really broad experience from software development, through networks and infrastructure, along with several hardware developments and embedded systems. He loves to use this knowledge in building the big picture in projects and bringing interesting solutions to problems. Stoil has been in several positions as a software developer, system administrator, solution architect, and lecturer. Today works mostly on infrastructure and cloud automation and keeps putting his nose in everything technology-related.

Николай Михайлов

Николай Михайлов

Николай е програмист и системен администратор откакто се помни. Програмира предимно на PHP, C, C++, Java но е програмирал дори на Basic за Правец 82. Обича бази данни, Linux и Open Source и ги иползва от поне 20 години.

7th and 8th of November, 2020


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Venue: online

Venue: online