T-shirts available

T-shirts for the 20th edition of OpenFest Bulgaria are now available.
Get the spirit of the conference with you by choosing between orange and black colors and sizes from XS to XXXL. Order form: https://forms.gle/HfBnhXnHZU7oHgKG8

Fill in the form now and take your T-shirt at the reception during the event.

Ordering through the form allows us to provide enough items.

15th and 16th of October, 2022
"John Atanasoff" forum, Sofia Tech Park, Sofia, Bulgaria




initlab-logocokitchen logodevbg-logo

Venue: "John Atanasoff" forum, Sofia Tech Park, Sofia, Bulgaria

By trolleybus

Trolley busses 5 and 8 to the Sofia Tech Park stop.

Trolley bus 4 to the Aviation Square bus stop.

By bus

Bus 73, 84, 184 or 306 to the Sofia Tech Park bus stop.

Bus 305 to the Aviation Square bus stop.

Map of all routes (click to enlarge):

OpenFest map